Emotional Freedom

Emotional Freedom

Being Emotionally Free A lot of us grew up with the notion that we are free people, able to choose where we live, what we do for a living, and to come and go at will. But many people, although certainly free in these ways, are emotional prisoners. Have you ever...
Breaking Bad Habits

Breaking Bad Habits

I’m constantly reading and identifying key points from authors around the world. And something struck me … that no matter how well intentioned we want to be we’ll always have bad habits to deal with. Our habits, actions, behaviours, and our very own...
You Are Amazing

You Are Amazing

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had some challenges in my past with how I’ve responded to other people’s opinion of me. or worse, what I perceived was other people’s opinion of me. But this picture reminds me that I do control what my...
Hello world!

Hello world!

Photo by Kobu Agency on Unsplash This is an homage to the good old days when we learned programming. “Hello World” was the fist thing you learned to do before you compiled your code. I know, crazy, right! Anyway, the first real post is stored as a page. You can read...