Welcome to My World!

Time’s Wasting!!!
These are the musings of a Renaissance Man!
I’ve seen a lot. I’ve done a lot. I’ve made mistakes … and hopefully learned from them.
As part of my effort for constant and neverending improvement, I’m using this website to record some of my thoughts on a variety of topics.
But, if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years … “time’s a wastin’!” So, let’s get on with it!
These are the topics I’d like to explore. These may change over time
Personal responsibility is the key to building a healthy, growing society. We’ll explore interesting topics and rantings here.
Yes, faith can be a difficult concept for people. But all the more reason to have a discussion about the topic.
“Words are tools” We’re sloppy in how we use them. And in the immortal words of Dr. McCoy, “Don’t mince words, Jim, what do you REALLY think?”
This is going to be a fun topic. We’re all guilty of it, and we always blame others for judging us, while we judge others. The breeding ground of prejudice.