WtchingI’m constantly reading and identifying key points from authors around the world. And something struck me … that no matter how well intentioned we want to be we’ll always have bad habits to deal with.

Our habits, actions, behaviours, and our very own thoughts determine what we do. Most of them are deeply wired, by constant repetition, into our brains to keep us from having to reinvent the wheel of our daily lives. Habits (both good and bad) are also patterns. And until you are ready substitute new patterns in place of the bad ones, your brain will continue to crave the same behaviours.

Each time you repeat pattern of behaviour, it becomes more ingrained in your brain until it eventually becomes automatic — a habit.

Dr Jud Brewer talks about habits as if they’re addictions. And, he’s got some science behind it too. I’d like to share a video with you about his view. It’s a little long – about half an hour – but very worthwhile.


What do you think?